Our Aspiration
Strengthening the struggles and movements of socially excluded communities – Dalits, Indigenous, LGBTQI+, and marginalized groups
We will be strengthening the struggles and movements of Dalits, Indigenous people, LGBTQI+, and other excluded groups with our best abilities, scholarship, and commitment. We will highlight and address systemic injustice and human rights violations that the socially excluded face across the country and continents. Dalit Lives Matter Global Alliance will engage with multiple stakeholders to improve the delivery of justice – legal, economic, political, climate, and social, sustainable livelihood, human rights, equal dignity, and democracy to the socially excluded.
Promoting, Engaging, and Engendering inclusive leadership
We will continue to identify, promote, and engender leadership of diverse backgrounds to work as party-neutral* “agents of change” engaging with government and its institutions, corporate and market forces, civil society and its leadership, and socially excluded communities to strengthen democracy and social inclusion. We will work toward enhancing capacities, skills, networking, and mutually working to effectively organize, educate, and agitate for safeguarding democracy and promoting social inclusion.
Equipping stakeholders with the necessary knowledge, research, and documentation
We will create and continually update a robust database to steer data-driven, result-oriented, and evidence-backed interventions promoting our engagement with different stakeholders for inclusion, diversity, and multiculturalism. We will develop a repository of policies, programs, institutional frameworks, and other resource materials, including artistic expression, and provide open access to this repository for the promotion of inclusion and diversity. We will undertake primary and secondary research to equip stakeholders with in-depth analysis and information to take informed actions augmenting their efforts and the movement for an inclusive society.
Engaging civil society, community-based organizations, and networks to bridge the divides
We will enhance capacities, bring diverse civil societies together, and intervene to promote mechanisms, campaigns, and interventions to bridge the divides – social, economic, cultural, legal, technological, and political. We will educate people, community-based organizations, and networks on the adverse impacts of divides between different sections of society. We will build and innovate with systemic structures – government and non-government, networks, mechanisms, and alliances to facilitate bridging the divides. We will actively support the organizations of the socially excluded to engage with multiple actors working towards bridging the divides.
Promoting people-centric narratives and initiatives through mediums of expression and creativity
We will promote people-centric counter-narratives by identifying and documenting the unheard stories of resistance and the untold tales of the inhumanities and give them wider publicity. We will organize training, dialogues, consultations, seminars, and other public events to effectively campaign, network, and build public opinion promising a shared future, inclusion, diversity, and peaceful coexistence. We will promote and celebrate the traditional knowledge, arts, and culture of resistance. We will preserve, archive, and promote traditional forms of music, artistic expression, and literature. We will help, support, and encourage new scholarship in art, culture, and literature.

Our Field of Actions
Paint The Revolution
Youth Action for Human Rights, Justice, and Dignity
Caste Conversation
Community Demand-Driven Initiatives
Evidence-based Advocacy and Research
Positioning Caste in Global Agenda
Our Approach
Inclusive Leadership and Allyship
Feminist Approach to Intersectionality
Partnerships with Local, National, Regional, and Global Community-Based Organizations
Solidarity and Counter-Narratives
Multi-Faceted Approach to Art and Activism